G I V E A W A Y !!

The fun fact that Oopsy Daisy has sustained itself and grown over the past 5 years is all due to the loyalty of our sweet customers, hands down.  As I've mentioned many times before, when I started this little dream, I really had no idea where it would go or what I was doing.  With no formal business education, I have just approached it much like I do all other parts of my life:  fiscally responsible (I have no choice!  haha), inherently aware of my surroundings and the vibe within them, and mostly just gut decisions that are made straight from the heart!




Now, "fiscally responsible" is code for zero budget.  With one exception (that was a big mistake), we have never paid for advertising.  We've just stayed true to who we are and what we believe this little corner should feel like, and trusted the good vibes to filter out from one friend to the next.  And they have.  Our word-of-mouth referrals are mentioned to us by new customers every.  single.  day.  Personally, I know that a friend telling me about a cool new restaurant or shoppe I need to see waaaaaaaay outmeasures whatever app (who was paid, btw) says it got this many stars or that many winks or whatever it is they use!  Today's technology is great for some things, but NOTHING beats personal contact and a good healthy recommendation from a pal.  I'm not here to bash Google or Yelp or any of the heavy hitters - they have a business to run, too.  I just prefer to run mine the old fashioned friendlier way.  



Soooooooo, (climbing down off my soap box now - but only half way.  lol) to THANK our loyal friends and followers, we are hosting a giveaway!  We're encouraging folks to tag a friend on social media that they think needs to know about our little chill zone here on the corner of Loy Lake Road and Hyde Park Avenue.  Head on over to your whichever platform you prefer - Facebook or Instagram (or both for extra entries!) and look for our post today.




I've also said this before, but I can't say it enough - without the love and support of our amazing customers, Oopsy Daisy would not be here.  And especially not where we have gotten to in five fast years.  We have some special events in the planning stages for this Fall and Holiday season, as well as our Workshops firing back up.  If you don't subscribe to our email yet, do so now so you can be the first to know as soon as the next exciting news drops!


Thanks again for making our day - EVERY day, y'all!  Now go tag a friend! And good luck!!